Letters and reflection
Hello everyone! One of the main missions of our activity is to write letters to political prisoners in Russia, but we have almost no money left for it. This weekend we collected tips while our volunteers helped at the Slavic festival, and in the end we have $284 in the letter box! This is enough for us to write letters all fall! Our next event is scheduled for September 10th at 6:00 PM at TMORA. Come, everyone who cares about prisoners of conscience, those who are sitting in hellish conditions only for their opinion - for being against the war. As Kara-Murza said: letters are rays of light and warmth that support every day! Thank you to everyone who helped us raise this money for the fall! Kirill Vanderberg, Amman Al Hussain, Sean M. Warner, Pavel Ashaev, Artem Morozov, Arina Grossman, Pavel Kopiev, Vladimir Klenin, Anton Anton There is currently a confrontation in the world between authoritarian and democratic approaches to politics. In Russia, millions of people are against the war and against the dictatorship - thousands protested, hundreds went to prison. Many continue the struggle, but no one can see it (yet). I will quote the words of our friend in Ukraine, who has been helping the front for two years and wanted me to convey them: “I am sure that the key to victory over the dictatorship (and to the victory of Ukraine, among other things) is to give the Russians the opportunity to do the terrible, enormous and difficult work of regenerating their country. And for this, we need to at least give them psychological resources and support.” This is exactly what Kara-Murza and Pivovarov talked about at the conference. Now the world has isolated all Russians as outcasts, and this is counterproductive - we must support all resistance forces and build bridges, we must reinforce all fronts and not abandon them. The stronger our support for the opposition in Russia and abroad, the stronger we are. I will leave here an awesome (and, I hope, prophetic!) drawing by our artist Masha Volkova - "The Death of Koshchei". Our flag is white snow and a blue river) Every regime comes to an end. Let's continue to be on the side of the bright forces and do what everyone considers necessary and proper. The main thing is not to do nothing.